Power Plate
Do you want to slim down and tone up your body? Are you in the right mood, but don’t have the energy and desire to spend endless hours at the gym? Don’t worry – there are solutions to slim down and tone up your body fast, and with minimum effort.
Vibration platforms:
Widely known by its commercial name “Power Plate”, it is a method of fitness that helps men, women and children, regardless of their degree of fitness and their involvement in sport. The idea of Power Plate is based on the use of the body’s response to vibration.
The device consists of a flat surface and a mechanism which creates intense vibrations which are transferred through the body of the user either when used upright, or through the hands in the prone position. The stimulus causes the muscles to contract relevant to the frequency of the machine, which can even reach 50 beats per second.
Initially you can use the machine for ten minutes a day at least three times a week. This form of exercise requires only a third of the time required by conventional methods with free weights and resistance machines. In the early sessions ask your trainer to show you which exercises are appropriate for you.
The benefits of vibration platforms are:
Repair of problems caused by diseases such as Parkinson’s, osteoporosis, arthritis and multiple sclerosis as well as injury rehabilitation. It is also anti-aging and results in immediate improvement in strength, muscular endurance and overall agility,
Kouros Gym has 2 vibration platforms, one for reducing cellulite and other crabs stored by the body, and the other the fast reduction of the percentage of body fat and the increase of muscle tissue.
Dependant on your needs, we can organise a programme which combines both of them!
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