Power Yoga
Yoga is an India art which is made up of a series of positions and movements which aim to create bodily and spiritual relaxation.
It combines stretching and strength-building exercises and breathing methods which are deeply connected to meditation.
Thus power yoga brings traditional yoga one step further. Many of the positions seem like classic exercises but the difference with power yoga is the rhythm with which they are done. So, like pilates the trainee doesn’t take any breaks but goes smoothly from one position to the next while keeping their breathing stable, this develops the muscular strength and lung capacity.
How is it different?
The main way that power yoga d
In five minutes all the group of practitioners will be sweat ing profusely getting rid of a lot of fluid, and while all those who regula rly practice this method will discover within two months the ir bodily strength will have d ramatically increased as well as their flexibility.
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