by Evi Pittiropoulou
Although a lot of people turn to food supplements in order to protect themselves, the truth is that a balanced diet in which we are going to integrate and the foods below, is enough so as to boost our immune system and be healthy and wellness during the winter months.
1.Fatty fish
Fish are rich in Ω3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna and sardine, and help in the fight against free radicals so they boost our immune system.
Allysin, the translucent liquid with a characteristic strong odor that contains garlic in abundance, has strong antimicrobial and fungicidal action. Eating raw garlic, we take up the greatest amount of allysin.
One of Greece’s favorite herbs, inextricably linked to our culture, which is used to flavor our bread and traditional beverages, has strong antibacterial action. The best way to enjoy it during the winter months is as a decoction.
4.Yoghurt and kefir
Natural sources of probiotics, yogurt and kefir balance the health of our gastrointestinal system and help prevent and treat colds and viruses.
5. Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits are one of the most enjoyable sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps prevent colds as it strengthens the skin – our first line of defense – while increasing the number of white blood cells. Consumption of mandarins, oranges, grapefruit, and lemon juice and lime juice in foods provide the essential vitamin C for the body.
6.Red pepper
Although orange has the … name, the real champion of vitamin C is the red pepper. Adding red pepper to our diet is a habit that will provide both a delicious and a healthful aspect. As for the excessive intake of vitamin C, it should not be troublesome, as our body uses as much as needed and the rest of it naturally eliminates it.
Tea, the world’s most popular beverage after water, helps prevent colds, thanks to the catechins and polyphenols it contains. In addition, it helps prevent angiocardiological diseases and increases metabolism. Finally, a hot cup of tea is what it takes to relax the body and the mind.
Ginger is a root with many good qualities for our body. Enjoy a drink by boiling a piece of ginger in a cup of water. This drink has anti-inflammatory action, soothes the symptoms of the sore throat and cleans the mucous membrane.
9.Sunflower seeds
The … humble sunflower seeds are one of the best sources of vitamin E, the antioxidant that protects the membranes of our cells. Vitamin E is particularly important for lung health and reduced phlegm production.
10.Black chocolate
Black chocolate, with at least 70% cocoa content, contains a large amount of polyphenols, antioxidants that protect against infections, stress and ultraviolet radiation. At the same time, it is a good source of zinc, which helps cells identify and cope with external pathogens.
Extra tip
No matter how much we care about our diet, a daily life that is distinguished by stress and anxiety is capable of destroying every line of defense we build for our immune system. Two habits that can dramatically reduce stress are massage, which should be done at least once a month and physical exercise.