Presentation by Fotini Bitrou at the Conference of the A. Kapsali Foundation, Skeletal Health Prevention-Update 23 April 2017
Therapeutic Yoga is a kind of gymnastics, which includes strengthening exercises and stretching exercises that are done on the ground with the help of specific equipment. Its main goal is to teach athletes to control and guide their body by strengthening weak muscles and stretching all the muscles with the help of deep breaths.
Nowadays humans suffer from many musculoskeletal problems, as a result of the modern lifestyle. Problems in the lumbar, neck, knee, and pelvis occur more and more frequently, making it difficult for everyday life.
With the help of therapeutic yoga and appropriate exercises, these problems can be reduced and eliminated gradually
The practice of yoga is quite varied, but the most important of all is to make a right choice of exercises based on each person’s problems and specific needs and priorities. Different exercises will be selected for a beginner, different for an advanced, different for someone in the rehabilitation phase. Other exercises will be performed with a kyphosis and another with scoliosis.
BREATHING – The most important part of yoga is breathing. Learning it will help you relax, stretch your body, strengthen the muscles of the abdominal wall, gain control of your body and mind!
Suggested exercises for skeletal health through Therapeutic Yoga
Cat stretch: Spread your spine while relaxing your waist. Lie like the cat with your face down on your knees, and shake your waist up and down like you’re a stretched cat. Be careful not to change your bowl and head.
Bridge pose : Very good choice for strengthening the back of the legs. Continue lying on your back, and try to raise your pelvis by tightening your belly and buttocks. You will feel a pleasant “grip” on the back.
Facing Dog: Exercise ideal for stretching back, legs and hands. Start with your palms and knees on your floor and back in parallel with the ground. Push your toes, lift your hips and bring your ears between your arms. At the same time, press your feet on the ground and lift your heels in a sharp movement to “wake up” your leg muscles. Take five deep breaths and slowly turn to the starting position
Cobra pose: Lean against the floor and put your arms bent right and left with your palms down, beside the chest. Then take a few inhalations and exhales and in an exhalation he raise the chest upward, resting on the palms. Once you feel that the hands support you well, raise the head and carry it alongside the ceiling, forehead and chin upward.
Baby pose: With this posture you will relieve your tightened back and open your hips – it’s the exercise that will provide the necessary relaxation you need before bedtime. Start with the classic “dog” (palms and knees on the ground) and slowly sit on your heels, opening the knees so they align with your shoulders. Lower the trunk between the thighs and touch the forehead on the mattress. Stretch your hands forward and long with the palms facing the floor. Stay at this position for about one minute and enjoy the relaxation of the waist and legs.
I wish that with my presentation to wake up the world and make the decision that they can exercise at any place as long as they have a mood and believe that they can make the change they really want to see in their bodies.
Yours sincerely,
Fotini Bitrou
P.E. Instructor
Yoga instructor
University of Athens
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science
mob. +30 6932431281
tel. +30 22970 28245
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