I often come across people who tell me that they have also done yoga, without knowing though what exactly yoga is. Some tried because they were curious about this new trend and some others because they listened to one friend or doctor that it may help them with their problem. Some others just because the teacher was their friend.
Are all these enough for someone to say that he does yoga?
There are people who have been involved in yoga for 20 years and you will never listen to them talking about it. These are the ones that excite me and I understand them completely and I am happy to work with them.
Yoga is not a trend, it can become though the means which will help you and most importantly guide you through the paths of awareness
Yoga is one of the six DARSHANAS philosophical systems of India. There is also Nyaya which means COMMON SENSE, Vaisesika which means COSMOGONY, Samkya which is considered to be the ancestor of Yoga, Yoga which means BOND, Karma Mimamsa which is a form of philosophical theology and Vedanta the completion of knowledge.
Veda = knowledge Anta =end
There are numerous types of yoga and everyone can choose the type that matches with his mentality. Karma Yoga is the practice of Selfless Offering and Love and is ideal for people who have chosen in their lives the path of offering. Gnana Yoga is the path of spiritual knowledge, the quest of truth and focuses on the study of sacred texts and is ideal for the searchers of truth. Bagdy Yoga is the religion or loving part of yoga and focuses on the dedication to the Holy. Ratza Yoga is the king road in which is intergrated Hatha yoga which we follow in the Western world.
My beloved student Vicky asked me if I am a real yoginee. The answer that I want to give is that yoga is the path towards self-knowledge and maybe the most difficult accomplishment in my life, to get to know to myself..my thoughts..my feelings..my body..
I discover those & work on them everyday.. on the same path I meet quite often my students and my teachers. My biggest success is when my students practice on their own daily and whenever they need to meet me in practice under my guidance. If they ask me if I do yoga.. I answer with a smile after all these years (2005) “They say that I do yoga…”
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